Stage Text Captioned Performance for the hearing impaired
Theatre captions are similar to television subtitles and give people who are deaf, deafened or hard of hearing access to live performance. The actors’ words appear on an LED caption unit (or units), placed next to the stage or in the set, at the same time as they are spoken or sung.
Unlike opera surtitles for hearing audiences, captions include additional information such as speaker names, sound effects and offstage noise.
Tickets are in the Royal Circle and are positioned to see both units which are place at the side of the stage as you look down on the show.
Captioned performance tickets are for the patron with hearing issues and up to 3 friends at the same price, further tickets can be purchased at full price.
The Score – Wednesday 16th April 7.30pm. Tickets £25
The Deep Blue Sea – Wednesday 11th June 7.30pm. Tickets £25
Audio Described Performance for the visually impaired
“Talking Sense” is led by co-founders Nadine Beasley and Kate Taylor-Davies. Its aim is to bring visual narration to the arts predominantly through audio description and voiceover. Its repertoire extends from musicals and farce to improvisational comedy and classics.
They are passionate about being part of a process that enables all members of society to share the same experiences.
Audio Described performance tickets are for the patron with visual issues and up to 3 friends at the same price, further tickets can be purchased at full price.
A touch tour of the stage and set is organised before the show.
Facebook: Talking Sense
Insta: TalkingSenseAD
The Score – Wednesday 9th April 7.30pm. Tickets £25
The Deep Blue Sea – Wednesday 4th June 7.30pm. Tickets £25
Ticket Prices
Access Performances
Tickets reduced in price for the patron needing access tickets and up to 3 additional tickets at the same price.
To Book Tickets
Please call 020 7930 8800 to book.
If you are unable to call due to hearing impairment please email us at [email protected] letting us know in your email you are unable to call.